
Diablo mac miller
Diablo mac miller

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He offered Uldyssian his own allegiance, pointing out the dogmatic thinking of Inarius and Heaven, of the "sin" they saw as being inherent in Sanctuary. Uldyssian fought the demon off and was able to craft the water into a mirror of ice as Diablo rose to face him. In an instant, Diablo was subjected to his own innate terror, as the fears he had been thrusting onto Uldyssian were transformed into his own. In the end, the conflict ended with both Heaven and Hell agreeing to respect Sanctuary's neutrality in the Great Conflict. Long before the Dark Exile, there existed the city of Ureh. One of the greatest cities in all of Sanctuary, it attracted traders, artists, and masters in every field to bask in its glory. But, for all its prosperity, it came under the gaze of the Lord of Terror, for the people of Ureh did not fear anything let alone be terrorized.ĭiablo laid siege to the city in his trademark fashion-corrupting it from within. Although the innocent inhabitants of the city were unaware of what transpired, the city's powerful sorcerers, both indigenous and foreign erected unbreachable barriers that prevented Diablo's influence from spreading within. This caused Diablo to change his tactics he started corrupting the local flora and fauna, using them as pawns to weaken the barriers that withheld his influence from spreading.

Diablo mac miller